This Ph.D. project mainly aims to investigate users’ color perception and their limitations in identifying and differentiating colors on a digital screen. The PhD is under the initiative AICF ( ) in collaboration with Capture One and Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and will among other things include the collection of large samples of data from a wide variety of users for building machine learning models to correct displayed colors on a screen. The overall objective is to gain a better understanding of how people see colors, both physically and on screens to more truthfully replicate colors of real things on screen. The posed suggestion is expanding the work done by MacAdam in 1942 creating MacAdam ellipses, finding individuals’ Just Noticeable Color Difference (JNCD) which is the point when people no longer can tell colors apart. A way to find the JNCD is by comparing one base color with close surrounding colors making up boundary point. The boundary point creates an ellipse surrounding a base color, indicating the boundary between when people see the difference and when they do not see a difference. Screens ability to display colors are measured in relation to JNCD where a score less than 1 means users cannot see a difference with the naked eye, meaning that MacAdam ellipses can also be made for screens. Understanding MacAdam ellipses in the digital world might prove use full in closing the gap between physical and digital color representation, seen for instance when shopping online and the physical product does not represent the digital presentation.
This PhD project is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.

PhD fellow: Emilie Maria Nybo Arendttorp
Supervisor: Andreas Møgelmose
Co-supervisor: Markus Löchtefeld